A Writing Blog Tour


I’ve been tagged in a writing blog tour – aimed at those of us who write for a living.  I don’t write novels or fiction, but I do write reports for my clients, which is why mymumdom has included me.

What am I working on?

This week I’m editing a full manuscript, continuing with some work with a client I’m mentoring, writing an article on editing, and looking at four short stories for young children.

How much does my work differ from those of others?

My work is analytical.  I am responding to, and reflecting on, someone else’s writing, so, in a sense, it’s not very creative.  I couldn’t do my work without other people having put the hard work in to their writing – I’m always very grateful to authors for their efforts, and impressed by their dedication.

I once tried to write a short book on throwing children’s parties – that was about 4 years ago.  I’m still only 3 chapters in..

Why do I write what I do?

I really enjoy working with authors, giving them detailed feedback, sifting out what works and what doesn’t.  Writing is a curious business.  It seems to be assumed both that anyone can do it, and that only geniuses can do it properly.  I dispute both those assumptions!

Everyone can improve their writing and the only way to do it is to write more.  I hope by writing my reports I am encouraging my clients to hone their skills.

How does my writing process work?

With copious amounts of coffee.  Often with a yelling child or a nagging cat in the background.  Sometimes by writing rough notes by hand, sometimes thinking on a keyboard.

The process varies depending on what sort of report I’m writing and what my client wants.  Some reports require a lot more ‘staring into space letting plots untangle themselves’ time than others.


I nominate Violet Fenn at The Skull Illusion

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April 24, 2014