
voucher pic

Prices start at £150.

My standard packages are suitable for most editorial needs, but I can accommodate a range of requests.

Gift Vouchers available for any of my services.  Please contact me for details.

Option 1

Three chapters and a synopsis

This is what most publishers and agents will require from you initially.  My report will focus on the overall quality of your submission, including an analysis of your style, thoughts on your plot and characterisation, and suggestions for improvement.

Editorial report covering three chapters and a synopsis.  Average price – £150.


Option 2

Full manuscript

This is a report based on a complete read of your work, with my suggestions for your writing style, your characterisation, and your plot development. You will get a close examination of your writing, as well as a professional assessment of your chances of publication, with suggestions for improvement.

Editorial report covering full manuscript.  Prices start at £350.


Option 3

The self-publishing package 

Line by line editing of your work, leaving you with a marked up copy to enable you to see all the changes, and a clean copy for immediate use.  This costs £8.50 per 1,000 words (minimum of 20,000 words) and entails a free initial email consultation where we discuss the level of editing needed.    Advice also given on book blurb and title.

A typical novel of 70,000 words would cost £595.

Should I feel it’s not ready for line editing yet, I will suggest a structural edit.

If you would like your material returned, please include postage.  I accept email submissions.

Further rates on application.

Please contact me on with any queries.