What does an editorial consultancy do?

It gives you a professional reading of your work before you choose to submit it for consideration for publication.

Why use one?

Most publishers do not read unsolicited submissions any more (that is, something you send in that has not been requested).  They rely on literary agents to act as quality control, and to bring promising new writers to their attention.

A literary agent will decide whether to take you on based on your submission.  By using an editorial consultancy you can avoid making obvious mistakes, be aware of how to present your work professionally, and be sure that you are sending in the best work you can do.

Will you proof-read my work?

No, an editorial consultant will give you guidance on how to improve your writing, and highlight common errors in grammar and spelling, but will not proof-read the text.

Can you guarantee I’ll get published?

No.  Nor should any literary consultancy.   There are a lot of books competing in the marketplace and publishers are wary of taking on any work that they don’t feel fits with their list and/or which they can’t sell easily.   However, publishers are still looking for good new authors, and you may be one of them!  Have confidence that you will be sending out your best writing, and see what happens.

What if I disagree with you?

That’s fine.  I am expressing my opinion, which is what happens in the publishing work at all levels, and I’ll give you clear examples to back up my thoughts – but it is YOUR writing and it is totally up to you what you do or don’t choose to take on board from my report.

What if you lose my manuscript?

I won’t.  But it won’t matter anyway – as you will NEVER send out the only copy of your work just in case!

Please contact me on cressi@thebookanalyst.co.uk with any queries.