Writing – a skill to learn or a talent to uncover?
Authors have numerous stories of people who come up to them and tell them that when they retire, or have some time, or can be bothered, they too will write a novel. The grumpier authors point out that this never… continue reading »
Novella competition
Great things can come in small packages… Novellas are a dying breed. In a world where you can buy an epic 700 page blockbuster for 99p, authors are wary of short-changing their readers with something shorter. But what if… continue reading »
We’re all going on a reading retreat…
UPDATE – Since this retreat, I’ve been on another – and set up www.readingretreat.co.uk – let us take you on a pampering reading retreat! By ‘we’ I mean me. And by ‘reading retreat’ I really mean me and fifteen… continue reading »
When a Writer isn’t Writing – a book to unblock you.
Can a book teach you how to write? No, although you could argue that reading a lot of books can teach you how to write, as you absorb all those good words by osmosis. Sometimes, though, it is helpful to… continue reading »
Writing a book for your business – how does that differ from other writing?
I shall be running a workshop, Your Book Your Business, in Cambridge on Saturday 7th November 2015 along with business coach Siobhan Costello and business editor Francesca White where we will help you to work out a comprehensive blueprint for… continue reading »
Fully loaded kindle and off we go
My last blog post was about what I’d read recently. This is what I’ve got on my kindle for the next two weeks. They’re a random mix of books I’ve been hearing about, books on sale, books I’ve always meant… continue reading »
What I would have said to Harper Lee
Before I got a chance to read GO SET A WATCHMAN on Tuesday, I put myself on a media ban. There were articles and reviews popping up all over the place and I wanted to come to the book with… continue reading »
The Write Crowd – the right book?
Can a book teach you how to write? No, although you could argue that reading a lot of books can teach you how to write, as you absorb all those good words by osmosis. Sometimes, though, it is helpful to… continue reading »
Stephen King’s ON WRITING – or The Best Writing Book Ever Written
Can a book teach you how to write? No, although you could argue that reading a lot of books can teach you how to write, as you absorb all those good words by osmosis. Sometimes, though, it is helpful to… continue reading »